
Introduction to Shadow Work course & guide


It's not all love & light. Sometimes its dark & deep

Shadow work is the process of shining a light & unearthing the parts of ourselves we usually reject or hide away.

These are the parts of ourselves that we are not proud of such as our insecurities, shame, unacknowledged emotions, lingering effects of past trauma, negative self imagine, destructive patterns & habits, unfulfilled aspirations, procrastination, people pleasing, emotion avoidance or emotional over reaction....just to name a few!

By getting curious about our 'shadow self', we uncover destructive behaviours, reclaim our autonomy and disrupt the cycle of mindlessly repeating the same patterns over and over again on autopilot.



*This course is not a replacement for therapy / medication*

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

– Carl Jung

The goal of shadow work is not to reject unpleasant emotions but instead to honour them, give them space & to love ourselves through those feelings.


Left unacknowledged, these suppressed emotions could be running the show without us even realising.


If you're just starting your journey into shadow work, Unearth is designed with you in mind. No previous experience is necessary!


This course is crafted to guide you through each step at your own pace, using accessible tools & practices that make shadow work approachable for everyone.



  • Cultivating a deeper relationship to ourself & others built on the foundation of vulnerability 
  • Accepting our past & building a better understanding of why we speak / react / behave / talk to ourself the way we have been & seeing if there is any room to create new ways of being & treating ourselves 
  • Ending procrastination / perfectionism & building the devotion to stick to our work or projects 
  • Being our biggest cheerleader & treating ourself with compassion & care
  • Taking back control of our life instead of living on autopilot 
  • Transforming your self-concept by reshaping our beliefs & perceptions about ourself
  • Slowly silencing the inner critic that tells us we are useless or worthless
  • Looking back at your past self with nothing but love for that version of you
  • Understanding that we are not the biggest piece of shit on earth but instead we are entirely loveable 


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"I feel like I’ve made a friend with myself. This course showed me how to embrace my whole self, especially the parts I once pushed away and thought were unlovable."

Do you struggle with...


• repeating the same toxic patterns over & over again

• attracting & tolerating toxic partners 

• getting triggered constantly

• unexplained fears & insecurities that hold you back

• self-esteem & confidence crippled by a critical inner voice that always points out your flaws & imperfections 

• seeking external validation & approval from others, only to feel more disconnected

• stuck in a never-ending cycle of self-sabotage that prevents you from achieving your goals?

• overwhelmed by feelings of guilt or shame that seem to arise without any reason

• lashing out at others or push them away as a defence mechanism 

• numbing your emotions through unhealthy coping mechanisms

• living almost entirely on autopilot with the desire to take back control of your thoughts, emotions & behaviours

• feeing emotionally dysregulated & exhausted?  


We bring these parts out of the shadow, into the light.


When we shine awareness on them & use gentle compassionate curiosity, we can better understand.


When we understand, it's easier to change & replace with a healthier alternative that supports our most authentic & happiest self.


This course is perfect for beginners or those who have little experience with shadow work :)

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"The section on the inner child was particularly impactful. Intense for me, but certainly necessary. I didn't realise how much I needed some inner child reflections."

 I'm Kate


I am a yoga teacher

& somatic therapist 


After an exceptionally challenging teenage years, I found myself pregnant at 20. My pregnancy was the turning point in my life & was the beginning of a decade studying & exploring the healing & wellness space.

 Over the last decade, despite my devotion & commitment to my healing, I still found myself dipping in & out of old familiar cycles, ending up in damaging situations with men, feeling worthless, no self confidence, people pleasing, catastrophising, anxiety, unable to trust myself let alone anyone else, hating my body, never feeling safe & constantly feeling like I was failing at everything especially motherhood. I spent my life trying to ignore these feelings & keep them locked away in the fear that everyone would discover the truth of my inadequacies as an human. Pushing these issues away did nothing to eradicate them. They just intensified.

After years of trying to force myself to be happy, hours of daily yoga practise, repeating affirmations that I didn't believe & trying to 'fake it til you make it' I knew I had to go deeper.  So began my journey into shadow work & somatic therapy. I finally started to understand the depths of my pain, I was able to sit with it, look it in the eye & not slap a positive vibe affirmation over deep wounds that clearly needed a lot more attention than that.

Through intentional effort, deep desire to heal, a lot of studying & practise, I feel safe in myself. I don’t seek safety or validation externally & my life is genuinely so peaceful. I am no longer a slave to my past & for the first time in my life I am in a truly healthy & happy relationship. All of this seemed impossible to achieve for the majority of my life but the effort to heal was so worth it. 

I am not perfect, far from it. Perfection is not the goal (& doesn't exist) but I am far better equipped at maintaining ease during stressful event, when I am overwhelmed or when an old trigger reappears.

Shadow work, along with other complementary & traditional therapies, played a massive role in turning my life around ♡ 

"I feel cracked open but in the best way possible. I have a deep sense of compassion for myself after the inner child work. I'm definitely gonna add some of the exercises into my self care routines."

Course Content



 Inner child / teenager






 Subconscious shifting 



 Journaling prompts

 4 hours of video content 

Full course downloadabe e-book

 Extra downloadable e-book resources 

Journal workbooks

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One Time Payment


  • Immediate access to all modules
  • 4 hours of video content
  • 3 downloadable e-books including full course download
  • Workbooks
  • Forever access to all content
  • Email support directly from me
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“I was hesitant to face my ‘shadow,’ but this course transformed that fear into acceptance and steady growth. Kates voice is like a hug. I can’t recommend it enough!”